lady attending RTT session

RTT Hypnotherapy Via Zoom

Are you looking to learn more about rapid transformational therapy (RTT) online or curious about booking an RTT service? If you are serious about it, you are taking a bold step in your life, and this is going to be a life-changing moment for you.  RTT therapy helps a range of people from those who feel anxious, …

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a man sitting on a brown leather chair

Incomplete Therapy

Not committing to the Therapist’s recommendations. Let’s face it! No one chooses Therapy with the same enthusiasm and glee as we choose a holiday, a fine dining evening, a spa day, lunch with our best friend …. We all choose to call a Therapist when we have a substantial, sometimes overwhelming awareness, at some level …

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a diagram of emotion frequency

Hypnotherapy: Raises your emotional frequency.

You can’t change your past. You can change how you feel about it. That changes everything. Become aware of your underlying negative & harmful beliefs and “Let go” of shame, guilt, apathy, grief & fear as they were created by a child before age 7, as a reaction/response to the environment and circumstances experienced then.You …

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a wheel of emotions

Hypnotherapy: Explore & understand your feelings.

Your feelings are the key. You can change them. Your patterns, triggers, habits & symptoms are exact reactions/responses to how you feel in your deeper subconscious mind. The way you feel subconsciously comes from the meanings you made as a child from the events, experiences, circumstances & environment you grew up in. The meanings, the …

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rtt therapist sitting down with blue denim jacket

RTT versus Traditional Therapy

The fundamental difference in approach is that hypnotherapy works with your emotions & feelings. Now we know emotions and feelings are not right or wrong, good or bad, true or false, they are your feelings, and they are valid. Moreover, they are valid because they are a true indicator of your perceptions in any area …

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lily argarwal rtt therapist

Lily Agarwal

Clinical Hypnotherapist & Adv RTT Therapist


Australia wide: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin & Regional centres.

Worldwide: United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Croatia, United States of America, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, India and many other locations.

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